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Scylla AG
Want to join the Scylla family?

Frequently Asked Questions

Check our frequently asked questions to learn more about our company, jobs and application process.
What are the requirements to qualify for a job at Scylla?

Each position has different requirements regarding experience or professional qualifications. Even if you don’t have these qualifications, you can still apply if you:

  • Are motivated
  • Are in compliance with our Scylla-values
  • Speak English and/or German
  • Are ready for the life on board of a river cruise vessel
  • Are prepared to run long working days when needed

All employees need to have a valid passport (or a valid ID) and should be physically fit to work on a cruise vessel. We will also ask you to pass a medical examination.

All candidates are screened for a fit with the Scylla-values:
  • We are professional and passionate about providing quality, in everything we do
  • We treat each other with respect (crew, guests, clients)
  • We embrace good cooperation between disciplines and work as one team
  • We take real responsibility and ownership
  • We respect a healthy work-life balance
  • We always have a positive attitude and approach towards challenges
  • Gross cultural awareness is at the heart of who we are and how we do business
How can I apply for a job at Scylla?
  1. Find out which position suits you best. All onboard positions can be found on our Scylla career page.
  2. Apply on the Scylla career page by selecting your position of choice, scroll down to the bottom of the page to “Apply Now” and enter your name, email, phone number, motivation and upload your CV.
  3. Our recruiters will evaluate your application based on your experience and motivation.
  4. If your profile matches our requirements, you will receive an email invitation for the job interview. A link will be included in this email to schedule the interview yourself via an online calendar. In this email you will also receive more information on the position, what to expect and how to prepare for the online interview.
  5. The job interview will take place via Microsoft Teams. During the job interview you will be asked about your motivation, experience and, depending on the position, we will evaluate your technical skills. Opportunity is given to ask questions about e.g. life onboard, the position etc.
  6. After a positive assessment, you will receive a detailed job description and a job offer containing your position, type of contract, salary, vacation days, start date and insurances.
  7. When you accept our job offer, you will receive a login to the Scylla Crew Portal where you need to upload all the mandatory documents and personal information.
  8. Afterwards the HR Crewing Officer will find you a spot on one of our 39 vessels and you will be invited on a specific date on a specific vessel.* From this moment onwards the HR Crewing Officer is your point of contact.
  9. During the startup of the season (Jan – March) it might take some time to find you the perfect spot on one of our vessels. However, we will do our best to contact you as soon as possible.
  10. After your confirmation on the invitation, your contract and job description will be available for you in your Scylla Crew Portal to download, sign and send back.
  11. Your HR Crewing Officer will make all necessary arrangements and send you the embarkation details and other information in preparation for your employment with Scylla.
  12. On your first day onboard, you will get a warm welcome by your Hotel Manager, Captain and Head of Department.
Do I have a social and medical insurance during the contract?

Yes. You will be registered with a social insurance agency. Which contains first and second pilar pension and disability insurance. In addition Scylla provides a medical insurance, accident insurance (for accidents that are both work-related and non work-related) as well as sickness insurance from your first until last working day. With an unlimited contract, you are insured throughout the year, even when you are on holiday.

When hired, do I need to bring my own uniform?

During the application and before embarkation you will receive information from our recruiters and HR crewing officers. We will inform you about the vessel, crew, organization, position, onboarding and life onboard. Of course, you will also receive detailed information about the location of embarkation, arrival day and trip planning to the vessel from our HR crewing team.

What kind of vessel will I work on?

When we receive your signed contract, our Crewing Team is dedicated to finding you a place on the right vessel, taking into account your position, experience, language skills, start date and specific requirements from your part. From the moment you are planned on a vessel, our Crewing team will inform you when and where you can board the vessel and make travel arrangements for you when needed.

You can find more information on our vessels here

Will I be trained to be able to perform my function to Scylla standards?
Every crew member is trained to be able to perform their job according to Scylla standards. Every new and returning crew member will be invited for a training-week before the season starts. If you start during the season, you will get training on-the-job during the following weeks to get trained and to help you adapt to the ship life.
Who guides me on board during the training sessions?
At Scylla, we have an onboarding program to guide you through your starting period. Training sessions are given by Head of Departments, Hotel Manager or external expert before the season starts. Every new crew member is assigned a “buddy” who will support and guide you during your startup period.
How are living conditions on board?
Depending the function you hold, you share your cabin with maximum one other colleague. This accommodation as well as food and drinks (coffee, tea and water) are free. To strengthen the team spirit we try to organize activities for the crew members whenever possible. Our continuous focus is on maximizing the wellbeing of our crew members and their comfort on board and provide a healthy work-life balance.
Are there career opportunities?
Absolutely! We invest in our crew members, so they can develop themselves and grow within our company. Are you motivated and eager to learn? Then we are happy to guide you in your career path, offering you the training, coaching and education you need.
Can I work together with a friend or my partner?
Yes, this is usually possible. Provided you both have the qualifications to perform a certain function that is available on the vessel, we will do our best to plan you on the same vessel. Please let us know at your application or during your job interview if you want to work on the same vessel with someone else.
What happens if I want to end my contract?

To resign, you need to inform your Captain or Hotel Manager about your intention to resign and you will be asked to fill in a resignation form. Any cost related to this termination, but not limited to travel cost, will be at your own charge. Your notice period depends on how long you have been working for us:

Notice period (for Swiss contract):

  • 7 days: during probation period
  • 1 calendar month: after probation until 2ndyear of service
  • 2 calendar months: including 2nd year until/and including 9th year of service
  • 3 calendar months: from 10 years of service onwards
Who are my contacts at Scylla?

After your job interview, your contact will be your HR Crewing Officer. All questions and remarks you have before boarding the vessel, can be directed to this person. He or she will stay in touch with you for organizational and administrative matters. They will visit your ship and you can arrange an appointment with them if you have specific HR questions.

While working on board, your first point of contact is your Head of Department. Second in line is the Hotel Manager or the Captain and third the Hotel or Nautical Operation Manager. He or she is responsible for activities and performance of multiple ships. For urgent matters, you can reach the Hotel Operations Manager who is the connection between the ship and the office for you.

For further questions, send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Do you want to apply for a position within Scylla?

Find the position of your choice on this website and apply via the "Apply now" button or use the mail address mentioned in the vacancy.

If you have any other questions regarding recruitment within Scylla, contact our Recruitment team via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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